Manage Electricity Bills with Smart Electricity Load Management Based on IoT


The objective of this paper was managing the bills with smart load management based on IoT, Nowadays the demanding for electricity is increasing at a constant rate throughout the population and is being utilized for various purposes like in Collages, companies, agriculture, hospitals, and many other fields so by this we were facing many problems in load management and over reading in the meter is will be Detected. Because the consumption of electricity is high and due to this the over reading is will become in meter bills. Also, The Development of smart load Management has only been made possible due to the evolution of a digital meter. They will help in the implementation of software in embedded hardware. Hence smart load management helping with set the priority to a load. so they are useful in a way that if a load is high to a set limit, at the time the lowest priority is off and the load is maintain was low and no over reading is detected in meter and no any type of short circuit is happening they will sudden maintain load easily. Nitin Agarwal | Gaurav Joshi | Disha Parashar | Pallavi Kumari | Shivam Kumar "Manage Electricity Bills with Smart Electricity Load Management Based on IoT" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020, URL: Paper Url :

Authors and Affiliations

Nitin Agarwal | Gaurav Joshi | Disha Parashar | Pallavi Kumari | Shivam Kumar


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Nitin Agarwal, Gaurav Joshi, Disha Parashar, Pallavi Kumari (2020). Manage Electricity Bills with Smart Electricity Load Management Based on IoT. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4(3), -.