Management of Character Education in the Perspective of the Extracurricular Program
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2022, Vol 5, Issue 06
The purpose of this study is to examine how character education is managed at madrasa Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 1 Balangan and MTsN 3 Balangan in terms of extracurricular activities. A multi-site qualitative descriptive approach was employed in this study. In-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation, including planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating, and following up, were used to gather data. The madrasa principal, the head of the madrasa committee, the wakamad, teachers, and students were all sources of the research data. Techniques for gathering data included observation, interviews, and documentation. This research made use of interactive data analysis, such as data reduction, data presentation, and generating conclusions. Triangulation of sources and procedures was used to check the data's veracity. The results of the study showed that the management of character building is carried out in accordance with the existing management functions and character building strategies. Character education planning can be done in writing in detail or not in detail depending on the prevailing customs. Organizing character education can involve all components in the madrasa as needed. The implementation of character education is held periodically in extracurricular activities that have been specifically designed with elements of general or special goodness based on religious values. Evaluation of character education is carried out in various ways as a measure of the success of activities. Following up on character education in each school madrasa, various physical and non-physical improvements were made for extracurricular procurement.
Authors and Affiliations
Ato Wartoni,M. Saleh, Suhaimi
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