Management of enterprise competitive advantages
Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2017, Vol 27, Issue 1
In conditions of current competition it is extremely difficult to retain market positions which were acquired. Achievement of competitive advantage by the enterprise is one of the most important categories of market economy. It can characterize the company's ability to timely and efficiently adapt to the conditions of external market environment that can rapidly change, to resist the economic crisis phenomena, to survive and develop. The essence of the concepts "competitiveness" and "competitive advantage" are considered in the article. The definition of "competitive enterprise" is proposed. The main approaches to the management of enterprise competitiveness in the modern world are analysed. In the article the "Conceptual model of sustainable competitive advantage" by IA Kuznetsov is shown. This model demonstrates that sustainable competitive advantages are formed at the intersection of using external and internal opportunities of unique properties of enterprise. These properties are expressed through industry success factors and key capabilities of the organization. The article examines the types of competitive advantages according to the forms of origin and manifestation (internal and external). It is concluded that the main demand of modern enterprise management competitiveness is the scientific study of strategic competitive advantages and maintaining the achieved position for a long time.
Authors and Affiliations
Yuriy Goncharov, Olena Кupper
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