Management of Vascularity Compromised Limb in A Rural Hospital

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 10


The study was conducted to know the presentation, symptomatology, clinical signs and management outcome of post traumatic painful and swollen limbs in a Community Health Centre. 21 patients managed for post traumatic edema and pain of the limb are presented. Males outnumbered females. Blunt trauma was the most common mode of injury, and lower limb was involved in majority. Majority were under treatment of quacks. Diagnosis of post traumatic swollen and vascular compromised limb (compartment syndrome) requiring some mode of treatment was made on clinical grounds, and pulse oxymetry. 10 patients underwent fasciotomy,6 were managed conservatively and 4 patients underwent amputation. All the patients managed by conservative and surgical therapy had successful outcome

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Ishtyak Ahmed Mir


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How To Cite

Dr Ishtyak Ahmed Mir (2015). Management of Vascularity Compromised Limb in A Rural Hospital. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 3(10), 7879-7883.