We report successful separation of PYGOPAGUS twins. Meticulous planning and multidisciplinary approach are the core aspects in the management of Pygopagus conjoined twins. Early elective separation versus delayed separat...
Mechanical ventilation both invasive and non-invasive are key requirement of any high dependency and intensive care units to provide respiratory support in emergency as well as electively. Most of the time trained reside...
Non-invasive blood pressure measurement (NIBP) is accepted as the standard monitoring modality in most clinical settings. However, whenever there is a need for accurate, reliable, beat-to-beat monitoring o...
A case report of Conjoined Twin(PYGOPAGUS) separation
We report successful separation of PYGOPAGUS twins. Meticulous planning and multidisciplinary approach are the core aspects in the management of Pygopagus conjoined twins. Early elective separation versus delayed separat...
Heart Transplantation in Pediatrics
Basic Ventilatory Setting and Monitoring
Mechanical ventilation both invasive and non-invasive are key requirement of any high dependency and intensive care units to provide respiratory support in emergency as well as electively. Most of the time trained reside...
Semilobar Holoprosencephaly With Single Umbilical Artery
Comparison of noninvasive oscillometric and intra-arterial blood pressure measurements in children admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit
Introduction: Non-invasive blood pressure measurement (NIBP) is accepted as the standard monitoring modality in most clinical settings. However, whenever there is a need for accurate, reliable, beat-to-beat monitoring o...