Marek Dziewiecki, Aleksander Radecki, Jacek Kiciński, Idźcie i głoście, kochaj i pomagaj kochać, Wrocław: TUM, Wydawnictwo Wrocławskiej Księgarni Archidiecezjalnej, 2017, ss. 160
Journal Title: Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 2
Authors and Affiliations
Marzena Rachwalska
Międzypokoleniowy przekaz wartości w rodzinie
The modern family experiences various crisis situations. These situations result from micro-sociological conditions such as: unemployment, lack of ac- comodation, economic poverty, mechanisms of the free market, inpourin...
Soborowe czyny żeńskich wspólnot zakonnych na przykładzie Zgromadzenia Córek Maryi Niepokalanej jedną z form przygotowań do Milenium Chrztu w Polsce w latach 1959–1965
In the years 1962–1965, the Second Vatican Council deliberated in Rome, convened by Pope John XXIII in order to modernize and renovate the Catholic Church. Polish communist government wanted to use the Council for its ow...
W obronie uwięzionego biskupa wrocławskiego Tomasza I w 1256 roku
The event connected with the imprisonment of Bishop Thomas I of Wro- claw has been described in chronicles and other sources referring to the history of church in Silesia. The article focuses on the efforts undertaken by...
Usprawiedliwiający wymiar sakramentu pokuty i pojednania. Aspekt ekumeniczny
In the sacrament of penance the sinner surrendering to merciful judge- ment of God anticipates in a certain way the judgment to which he will be surrendered to at the end of earth’s life. Because, just already now, withi...
Nowe życie w Chrystusie w nowej ewangelizacji w mediach
More than three billion internet users in the world (42 per cent of human population), nearly 26 million users in Poland (67% of the country popula- tion), together with nearly 1.5 billion Facebook users in the world and...