„Maria Magdalena powiedziała do niego po hebrajsku: «rabbuni»” (J 20,16). „Rabbuni” i inne aramejskie określenia odnoszące się do Boga/Chrystusa w greckim tekście Nowego Testamentu
Journal Title: Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2018, Vol 32, Issue
Everyone who studies the New Testament Bible must take into account its Aramaic background that results from several factors: – the Aramaic language was very popular in Roman Palestine during the first century A.D.; – the Aramaic was Jesus’ mother tongue; – Jesus’ teaching was being recorded in Aramaic and then it circulated among the people; – the oldest Church consisted of Aramaic speaking communities. It is worth remembering that the New Testament authors, when working on the Greek Gospels, they were following their Aramaic language habits. The effects of them were aramaisms in the Greek texts, Aramaic sentence constructions and even Aramaic words rendered by Greek letters. The aim of this paper was to investigate the Aramaic words referring to the God/Christ in the Greek text of the New Testament. Three Aramaic words were analysed: – Messias (John 1:41; 4:25); Greek equivalent is Christos; – Rabbouni (John 20:16; Mk 10:51); Greek equivalent is Didaskale; – Abba (Mk 14:36; Rom 8:15; Gl 4:6); Greek equivalent is ho patēr. The last term is semantically different from its Greek equivalent. Being derived from everyday language, it reveals the truth about God in a surprising way.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Ostański
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