Maritime Spatial Planning of blue and zebra mussels. A case study for the Polish coastline based on the overview of existing examples from Canada and Australia
Journal Title: Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego - Year 2017, Vol 32, Issue 1
Poland is at the beginning of Maritime Spatial Planning process which is based on European Union Directive establishing the framework for maritime spatial planning. The Maritime Spatial Planning with the Ecosystem Based Approach is an example of a sustainable ocean management. Mussel cultivation in sea waters is an example of sustainable ocean management in which there is simultaneous use of water area for economical profit and also for environmental protection needed for proper harvest of blue and zebra mussels. Nevertheless, conditions for mussel cultivation on the Polish side of the Baltic Sea are harsh. Effective utilisation of knowledge of more experienced countries is a chance for Polish open water mussel farms to succeed. The experience of Canadian and Australian implementing processes shows effectiveness of bottom-up perception of mussel cultivation development.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jakub Turski
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