Маркетинговий аналіз діяльності сільськогосподарських підприємств Уманського району Черкаської області


Marketing activity of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine has its special features caused by a specific character of the branch and depends on the size of the farm businesses as well as on the fact whether managers are aware of the importance of marketing in the activity of enterprises. Formation of an effective marketing strategy of a manufacturer is impossible without marketing analysis of the previous activity and defining strategic positions of a business entity at the market. The article deals with the marketing analysis of the activity of agrarian enterprises of Uman district in Cherkasy region as single manufacturer. The analysis is conducted with the application of systemic approach to the analysis of economic processes and phenomena, such scientific and specific cognition methods as abstract-logical method, monographic method, induction and deduction, ABC, SPACE and SWOT analyses. Practical recommendations on the improvement of managerial decisions while building marketing strategy of the given business entities were developed. The analysis of using marketing mix elements by agricultural enterprises of Uman district in Cherkasy region has shown that existing trading policy over the period of 2012–2016 was aimed at maximizing potential profit as well as minimizing possible losses in case of unfavorable pricing environment for the main types of products by the way of diversification of a product portfolio. However, as the results of ABC-analysis show, the main types of products that provided 73.4 % of enterprises profit include only four items: corn for grain, sunflower seeds, wheat, seeds for grain. The choice of products sales channels was caused by a specific character of the demand for these products: commodity items of external demand (cereals and oils plants) were almost completely sold through intermediaries (corn traders); commodity items of internal demand were sold mainly to the processing enterprises of the region and they were almost completely sold according to direct contracts (sugar beet) or through intermediaries (milk, cattle). Pricing policy of manufactured produce over the period of 2012–2016 was mainly reduced to the choice of the most favorable time for selling by large financially stable farm enterprises. Under conditions of current assets deficit the rest of enterprises accepted the price at the moment of harvesting as a given value and sold their produce at this price after harvesting The analysis has shown that the majority of agricultural enterprises of Uman district don’t use the tools of marketing communications to the full extent. Generally speaking, it can be argued that there was no systemic use of all elements of marketing mix at the investigated enterprises over the period of 2012-2-16. But the reduction of marketing expenditures per 1000 UAH of profit over time in combination with the increase of production efficiency coefficient shows to agro-marketing the rationalizing of marketing expenditures structure. Application of SPACE and SWOT analysis allows to recommend agricultural enterprises of Uman district in Cherkasy region the usage of combined strategies over the midterm with the dominance of protection of their market positions by the way of cooperation with other producers in order to expand sales market, improve pricing maneuvering, and introduce innovation technologies of production.

Authors and Affiliations

О. Г. Пенькова, А. О. Харенко, Ю. А. Цимбалюк


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  • EP ID EP549709
  • DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-98-114
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How To Cite

О. Г. Пенькова, А. О. Харенко, Ю. А. Цимбалюк (2018). Маркетинговий аналіз діяльності сільськогосподарських підприємств Уманського району Черкаської області. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 2(93), 98-114. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-549709