Mas-media law at the postmodern stage

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2019, Vol 15, Issue 1


The article is devoted to the investigation of legal regulation of information activity in Ukraine, in particular legal regulation of advertising in the context of development of the latter against the background of Internet resources. As a result of the study, it was found that the legal norms regulating information activities of mass media, including mass media, are imperfect and fragmentary. The mentioned institution of legislation is not yet characterized by a perfect conceptual-terminology apparatus, sufficient system and consistency with other institutes of information legislation. At the same time, the problem of legal regulation, organization and implementation of information operations in the current conditions of information globalization was revealed. It was concluded that the uncontrollability of some aspects of advertising activity has a negative tendency in the form of manipulative and aggressive activity by unscrupulous respondents. The problem of awareness of human rights in relation to the implementation of their respondents in everyday life was revealed. This is an important indicator of the level of legal awareness in our state. As you know, the availability of information is one of the important qualities of the information society. It was impossible not to emphasize this problem, because it is clearly expressed in Ukraine. The authors analyze the specific weight of influence among mass media on the outlook of ordinary citizens and the authority of the mass media in general.A significant disadvantage of the current Ukrainian legislation, in particular in the information sphere, is the lack of accuracy, somewhat misleading formulation. A significant proportion of information relations is regulated by subordinate legal acts, or generally rules are scattered under various legislative acts in related branches of law. This greatly complicates access to them and the correct use of current legislation. As a conclusion, it is possible to add that it is critically necessary to create a legislative act which will correspond the state of modern development of the information society in Ukraine, the norms of which will have an universal character.

Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Karpenko, Анна Карпенко, Ганна Карпенко, Наталья Смирнова, Наталія Смірнова, Natalia Smirnova


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  • EP ID EP470997
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.1.2019.7
  • Views 81
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How To Cite

Hanna Karpenko, Анна Карпенко, Ганна Карпенко, Наталья Смирнова, Наталія Смірнова, Natalia Smirnova (2019). Mas-media law at the postmodern stage. Lex portus, 15(1), 102-117.