Maternal satisfaction with the care provided by hospitals with different levels of reference

Journal Title: European Journal of Medical Technologies - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 2


The system of three-level organization of perinatal care assumes the provision of ambulatory and hospital services in order to improve the quality of perinatal care, manifested by the decrease of morbidity and mortality in mothers, foetuses and infants. The following research problem was posed: Does the referral level of hospitals exert an effect on mothers’ satisfaction with care? A standardised questionnaire form EUROPEP was applied to evaluate the level of mother satisfaction with care. The study was carried in 2008 in maternity wards at 5 hospitals of various referral levels in the Lublin Region, and covered 500 mothers. The results obtained were subject to descriptive and statistical analysis. It was observed that mothers hospitalized in the first referral level hospitals evaluated care provided by midwives in the most positive terms, while those in hospitals of the second referral level expressed the most negative opinions.

Authors and Affiliations

Monika Sadowska, Anna Ksykiewicz-Dorota, Artur Wdowiak


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How To Cite

Monika Sadowska, Anna Ksykiewicz-Dorota, Artur Wdowiak (2014). Maternal satisfaction with the care provided by hospitals with different levels of reference. European Journal of Medical Technologies, 3(2), 38-43.