Mathematical Model of Dissemination of Informational and Psychological Influences in the Social Network Segment


The purpose of the article is to describe the results of research in the direction of modeling the processes of disseminating information influences in the social network segment. The basis of the research is the proposed mathematical model and approaches to the implementation of individual stages of simulation on the basis of the proposed MM in the programmatic form. In particular, there are 3 main stages: modeling the structure of the network, formal description of the network node, implementation of the process of disseminating information. The method for generating a network structure is based on the use of parametric clusters of three types: a click, a group, a leader group. This approach allows you to model a wide range of network segments that are diverse in topology. The network node that simulates the state of the subject in the network is proposed to represent as a class with a fixed set of fields, types of fields and their purpose is justified in the text of the article. The process of dissemination of information is proposed to represent an iterative process in which nodes carry out information impacts on other nodes through the dissemination of information messages. The article proposes the concept of behavioral strategies that determine the criteria for selecting a node for an attack. But there are a few examples of possible behavioral strategies. In the text of the article the key points of the program implementation are described, a diagram of the main classes of the program is presented. The series of experiments were conducted on the program model, the results of which show the adequacy of the model's response to changes in the parameters of individual nodes and network structure. The article presents the results of experiments: the dependence of the rate of propagation on the density of links, the comparison of selected behavioral strategies, the evaluation of the effectiveness of strategies, depending on the number of nodes-generator links.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandr Ulichev


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  • EP ID EP509262
  • DOI 10.32515/2409-9392.2018.31.165-174
  • Views 40
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How To Cite

Oleksandr Ulichev (2018). Mathematical Model of Dissemination of Informational and Psychological Influences in the Social Network Segment. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки, 31(), 165-174.