Mathematics Interest and Reading Comprehension as Correlates of Elementary Students’ Mathematics Problem-Solving Skills

Journal Title: Edukasiana: Journal of Educational Innovation - Year 2023, Vol 3, Issue 1


In the rapidly changing global landscape, adaptability to new challenges is essential. Mathematics, recognized as a key contributor to problem-solving skills, holds significant importance in navigating unfamiliar situations. This study delves into the correlation between mathematics interest, reading comprehension, and mathematical problem-solving abilities among elementary school students. Employers and academic institutions increasingly emphasize the application of mathematical knowledge in diverse scenarios, prompting educational reforms prioritizing problem-solving skills.The investigation involved 76 elementary students in Majalengka Regency, Indonesia, exploring mathematics interest, reading comprehension, and problem-solving skills using questionnaires and tests. Findings unveiled a noteworthy positive correlation between reading comprehension and mathematical problem-solving, surpassing the correlation with mathematics interest. Regression analysis reinforced this, highlighting the collective substantial impact of mathematics interest and reading comprehension on students' problem-solving proficiency.This study underscores the crucial role of reading comprehension in interpreting narrative-based mathematical problems. Understanding textual content significantly influences problem-solving strategies. Moreover, affective abilities, particularly mathematics interest, contribute significantly to problem-solving skills. A heightened interest in mathematics enhances motivation, encourages deeper conceptual learning, and fosters creativity in problem-solving.These results underscore the necessity of a holistic approach to mathematics education. Addressing not only cognitive aspects but also affective and reading proficiency facets can substantially enhance students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. Understanding the interrelationship among mathematics interest, reading comprehension, and affective abilities can pave the way for more effective teaching methodologies and improved academic outcomes in mathematics.

Authors and Affiliations

Dede Salim Nahdi, Ujiati Cahyaningsih, Mohamad Gilar Jatisunda, Abdur Rasyid


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Dede Salim Nahdi, Ujiati Cahyaningsih, Mohamad Gilar Jatisunda, Abdur Rasyid (2023). Mathematics Interest and Reading Comprehension as Correlates of Elementary Students’ Mathematics Problem-Solving Skills. Edukasiana: Journal of Educational Innovation, 3(1), -.