Measurement of Information and Communication Technologies: Theoretical and Practical Issues


Production, exports and more effective exploitation of information and communication technologies (ICT) opens up better opportunities for economic development. The ongoing changes in the ICT sector led to the formation of a new system of statistical indicators on ICT, creation of new accounts in the national accounts system, to measure ICT share in the economy. The rationale for ICT use, the adoption of ICT as a measure of productivity is a central objective for a national statistics system. The adequate measurement of ICT, of the social and economic effects from ICT infrastructure, of ICT performance constitutes a vital problem for official statistics offices given the growing social demand for statistical data on ICT. The system of SCT statistics needs to incorporate indicators of ICT products output, ICT exports and imports, ICT services, ICT employment, ICT share in GDP. The infrastructure components in companies and organizations in various economic sectors need to be reflected by specific ICT indicators. The ICS statistics needs to be built on quantitative and qualitative indicators meeting the international standards and the requirements of international comparisons. ICS indicators incorporated in ICT statistics needs to take account of peculiarities at country level.

Authors and Affiliations

L. S. Yagubova


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How To Cite

L. S. Yagubova (2016). Measurement of Information and Communication Technologies: Theoretical and Practical Issues. Науковий вісник Національної академії статистики, обліку та аудиту, 0(4), 20-23.