Journal Title: IJAR-Indian Journal of Applied Research - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 5


Introduction - The size and shape of cervical spinal canal is very important in cases of spinal cord or nerve root compression. The normal values in the available literature are mostly from studies in western population. The documented normal values in Indians are very few. This work is designed to measure the midsagittal diameter of cervical spinal canal and to calculate canal/body ratio in the population in and around Jabalpur. Material and method - 100 sets of dried cervical vertebrae of cadavers of adult age group, stored in the department of Anatomy, NSCB Medical College, jabalpur were taken for the study. Midsagittal diameter of cervical vertebral canal (A), anteroposterior diameter of vertebral body (B) and Torg's ratio (A/B) were calculated. Results - The mean value of midsagittal diameter (in mm) at third, fourth, fth and sixth cervical vertebral canal was observed to be 14.38, 14.40, 14.36 and 14.55 respectively. The mean value of Torg's ratio at third, fourth, fth and sixth cervical vertebral level was observed to be 1.04, 1.02, 1.01 and 1.01.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. K. K. Gour


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How To Cite

Dr. K. K. Gour (2018). MEASUREMENTS OF CERVICAL VERTEBRAL CANAL IN DRIED BONES. IJAR-Indian Journal of Applied Research, 8(5), 21-21.