Mechanisms of attaining professional and managerial positions and gender. The case of Estonia
Journal Title: Przegląd Socjologiczny - Year 2014, Vol 63, Issue 2
In Estonia, gender segregation and the gender wage gap are the greatest in Europe [European Institute for Gender Equality 2013]. Previous research shows that men and women also have to use different strategies to reach the highest positions in the labour market [Roots 2011a; Titma, Roots and Soidla 2010]. The data about Estonia in the European Social Survey 2010 shows that attainment in one’s occupation of managerial and professional status (occupation attainment) are indeed predicated on different factors, but after adding the variable of gender segregation into the immediate work place the occupation attainment mechanisms of men and women start to resemble each other. Hence, the main reason for the differences in occupational attainment mechanisms is labour market segregation.
Authors and Affiliations
Ave Roots
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