Medical and legal aspects of orthodontic practice– introduction
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2009, Vol 5, Issue 4
Medical law is a rapidly growing discipline in the whole world whose sudden development was observed in Poland after entering the European Union. The orthodontist should know and respect all the standards and regulations he or she ought to fulfill. It is well known that ignorantia iuris nocet. The knowledge of legal rights and legal code is necessary to be able to be a doctor. During the last 20 years we have witnessed a lot of changes in almost every discipline of our lives. The changes in privatizing of medical services are rather chaotic and spontaneous and unfortunately it is not subsequent to the doctors knowledge about the risk and responsibility of this profession. Not fulfilled patients requirements are the threat of complaints or legal claims to the doctors. It is difficult to sue a doctor for a medical mistake but it is easy to charge him or her for violating personal good wealth because of e.g. the lack of appropriate medical information. The management of complaints and claims has become a more and more important part of conducting orthodontics practice. Perceiving orthodontics in the medical law, makes it a modern medical discipline. It is due not only to new methods and techniques but also thanks to the newer and better doctor- patient communication. (Orthod. Forum 2009; 5: 118 - 122). Received: 20.08.2009 Accepted: 16.11.2009
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Walawska
Hypophosphatasia – clinical observations and literature review
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