Medical Needs Assessment of Persons with Locomotor Disability in a Rural area in Karnataka.
Journal Title: National Journal of Research in Community Medicine - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 1
Introduction: It is estimated by WHO that 5% of the population has one or other kind of disability in developing countries. In our country Disabled persons constitute about 2 per cent of the total population. Among the different types of disabilities, the prevalence of locomotor disability was highest in the country – it was 1046 in the rural and 901 in the urban per 100000 persons. Medical needs are one of the most common needs concerning disabled people in the developing countries So if the medical need is properly given to them the other needs will be automatically met to some extent. Aim: To assess the medical needs of the persons living with locomotor disability in Kaiwara PHC area. Methodology: Study area: Kaiwara Primary Health Centre, the rural training centre attached to Department of Community Medicine, M S Ramaiah Medical College. Study population: All the persons with locomotor disability coming under Kaiwara PHC area. Study Period: October 2006 – December 2006. Study design: Cross sectional Results & Discussion: In the present study the prevalence of locomotor disability was 0.33% and the distribution among the sexes was almost same. It was noted that the common cause of disability in the present study was congenital deformities and Congenital Talipes Equino Varus accounting for 20.2%. Fracture of limbs (18.3%) not treated properly was the single most common cause of disability in this study. In the present study 34 persons required surgeries like tendon lengthening, arthrodosis to improve their mobility; 18 persons required various physiotherapy exercises to improve the tone and the power of the muscles; 13 persons required various aids and appliances like crutches, artificial limbs, wheel chairs, special shoes to improve their mobility and quality of life.
Authors and Affiliations
Hemanth T, Shankar R, Praveen praveen, Pruthvish S
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