Medieval glass vessels from the necropolis’s excavations of the XI–XIII cents. on the territory of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv: restoration research
Journal Title: Studia Lednickie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
Th e article highlights the results of the restoration research into the fi ve glass goblets which were found in burial sites during the archaeological excavations on the territory of the National Museum “Sophia of Kyiv” in 2014. Th e composition of the glass conical beakers has been analyzed and their complete form has been restored and an interpretation of the archaeological context of the glass objects has been proposed.
Authors and Affiliations
Viacheslav Korniienko, Maksym Strykhar
Cmentarzysko wczesnośredniowieczne w Gieczu, stan. 10. Wstępne wyniki badań
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