Melanosis Coli: Case Report 

Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 2


Melanosis coli is a common condition characterized by dark pigmentation of colonic mucosa. Melanosis coli is thought to be a benign lesion that emerging related with the overuse of the anthraquinone containing laxatives. A complete relation with colorectal carcinoma could not be demonstrated. It is often related with constipation and it is mostly diagnosed as endoscopic or diagnosed in a histopathological research by chance. It is important to recognize the melanosis coli which can be regressed generally in a few months with the cutting of laxatives. Although it is seen as a benign disease, colonoscopic biopsies should be taken from the pigmente and nonpigmente areas because of the suspicion of colorectal adenoma and carcinoma. In this article we aimed to present the following case: A patient applied our hospital with some complaints after being operated with the diagnosis of colon carcinoma and melanosis coli was determined during the investigations and after discontinuation of the use of laxative the patient complaints were regressed. 

Authors and Affiliations

Murat Eroğlu, Ali Kağan Coşkun, Armağan Günal, Ali Harlak, Orhan Kozak


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  • EP ID EP92623
  • DOI 10.4328/JCAM.495
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How To Cite

Murat Eroğlu, Ali Kağan Coşkun, Armağan Günal, Ali Harlak, Orhan Kozak (2012). Melanosis Coli: Case Report . Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 3(2), 234-236.