Memory and motor control in humans
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 34
In the paper the division of modern theories of motor control in humans (according to Abernethy and Sparrow) and connected with them processes of information processing in central nervous system have been presented. The shortcomings of this division were pointed out, as well as deficiencies of memory model by Atkinson and Shiffrin, especially when applied to description of motor control in humans. The importance of information processing, and not only information retention, was emphasised. It was also pointed to the fact that in humans mental and motor performances are tightly connected, thus it is impossible to construct a coherent memory model without taking into account the latter. Thus, a new memory model has been proposed, consistent with the Bernstein’s theory and the transfer theory of Salomon and Perkins. Then the role of chunking has been discussed, with clear distinction between notions of stimulus, sensory input, sensory impression, word, motor programme, sensorimotor pattern and motor command. The two circles of information processing were presented: sensorimotor and symbolic ones, as well as motor control models using only the sensorimotor circle (0-model) and both circles (8-model).
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Petryński
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