Menjadi Scholarly Communication Librarians
Journal Title: Pustabiblia: Journal of Library and Information Science - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 2
Scholarly communication is a new trend for the library world. Although if examined Scholarly communication is not new in the world of college libraries because the library has been involved in it. Scholarly communication is the process of communicating scholarly papers, reviews, publications to the dissemination of information to the scholarly community. Libraries in the world of scholarly communication have been involved in the process of providing information for the creation of scholarly works, compilers and store of the work of disseminating information from scholarly works. But it is a challenge if the library can actively participate in the process such as the media publication and scholarly work reviewer. So to be active in this domain, librarians who are reliable, adaptable and have a passion for Scholarly communication are needed. Of course to be able to become what is needed by librarians must have basic competence to be able to become a scholarly communication librarian. Therefore it takes a lot of hard work and willingness to become a communication librarian scholarly so that it can increase the prestige of this profession.
Authors and Affiliations
Kristina Kristina
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