Mental Health of Adolescents in Ukraine and Poland: Comparative Analysis of Internalizing and Externalizing Disorders


This paper presents the results of the Ukrainian-Polish survey ‘Mental health and risky behaviors of adolescents". the survey was conducted in the period between October and December 2016 by a group of Ukrainian and Polish scholars among 15-yearold adolescents. This paper focuses on the internalizing and externalizing indicators of mental health disorders of Ukrainian and Polish schoolchildren. Based on the empirical data the author analyzes youth aggression, violence, violation of the law, etc. The obtained data prove the presence of risk groups in adolescent samples from both countries under study, which are characterized by the symptoms of internalizing and externalizing disorders in mental health. the symptoms of mental health disorders are more prominent in Polish adolescents. Although the integrated indicators for Ukrainian adolescents are lower, the individual manifestations of mental disorders are still higher. Thus, the indicators of risky behaviours related to aggression and violence, which are components of integrated indicators, are higher for Ukrainian adolescents. The gender analysis of empirical data indicates that girls are more vulnerable to internalizing disorders. They are more inclined to suffer from depression and poor emotional well-being than boys. This conclusion is true for adolescents from both countries under study. Such results point to the need for differentiated approach to taking preventive measures among boys and girls.

Authors and Affiliations

Uliana Mykolaivna Shchudlo, Maria Futysh


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How To Cite

Uliana Mykolaivna Shchudlo, Maria Futysh (2019). Mental Health of Adolescents in Ukraine and Poland: Comparative Analysis of Internalizing and Externalizing Disorders. Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy, 0(31), 210-222.