Merger Control in Georgia – National Legislation and Case Law Review
Journal Title: Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies - Year 2016, Vol 9, Issue 14
Georgia has amended its Law on Competition in 2014 in order to fulfil its obligations set out by the Association Agreement with the European Union. Despite further approximations of its laws with those of the EU, some serious flaws remain. Merging parties are obliged to submit a prior notification to the Competition Agency of Georgia if their total turnover exceeds 20 million Georgian lari (GEL) or if the value of their assets exceeds 10 million GEL (7,692,307 EUR). One of the most interesting aspects of the Georgian merger control system rests in what the Competition Agency is authorised to do in case of afailure to fulfil the notification duty. This paper will discuss Georgian rules on concentrations as well as two of its recent merger cases.
Authors and Affiliations
Solomon Menabdishvili
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