Мета прокурорського самоврядування крізь призму Європейського законодавства


У статті проаналізовано законодавче закріплення прокурорського самоврядування в Європейських країнах, а також у Законі України «Про прокуратуру». Розкрито головну мету функціонування органів прокурорського самоврядування, яка полягає в забезпеченні незалежності прокурорів у їхній діяльності. Надано пропозиції щодо вирішення проблем, обумовлених реалізацією правових норм про прокурорське самоврядування через внесення законодавцем відповідних змін та доповнень до Закону України «Про прокуратуру». The article analyzes the provision of a legislative framework for prosecutorial self government in European countries and in the Law of Ukraine "On Prosecution". The study conducted shows that the laws of certain European countries establish specific forms of prosecutorial self-government with a clear definition of their functions. In some other countries such prosecutorial self-governing bodies are absent in the current legislation, but there are signs of independent collective resolution of issues concerning the internal operation of the public prosecutor’s office by prosecutors. Thus, one of the most important functions of the prosecutorial self-government is to ensure the independence of prosecutors in their activities. Unlike EU states legislation, the Law of Ukraine "On Public Prosecutor's Office" on October 14, 2014 invests the prosecutorial self-government with the broad scope of powers. It appears that the prosecutorial self-governing bodies will operate as the part of the public prosecution service of Ukraine and their task will be to promote the efficiency of the prosecutorial activity without interference in the performance by the public prosecution service of its functions. According to the Law of Ukraine "On Public Prosecutor's Office" the scope of issues that fall within the competence Council of Prosecutors of Ukraine is not complete, that may adversely affect the efficiency of this prosecutorial self-governing body’s operation. The Law does not set forth the clear limits of activity of this body, while giving it broad powers in the administration and prosecution system. These can cause conflicts and make it impossible for the public prosecutor appointed to the administrative position to manage the public prosecutor’s office The lawmaker has set in law the binding character of decisions of the conference for any prosecutor, without specifying and clear disclosure of the above term. That is perceived as interference in prosecutor’s activities, which is unacceptable. It is necessary to amend the Law of Ukraine "On Public Prosecutor’s Office" by adding the provision that will set forth the right to appeal to the Council of Prosecutors of Ukraine with the message about the threat to the independence of prosecutors to anyone who is aware of these facts. Moreover, it is advisable to anchor the mechanism of checking by Council on the appeals of prosecutors and other reports about threats to their independence and on the appeals of citizens about improper performance of the prosecutor who holds an administrative position of his or her duties.

Authors and Affiliations

Євген Анатолійович Безкровний


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Євген Анатолійович Безкровний (2017). Мета прокурорського самоврядування крізь призму Європейського законодавства. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 77(1), 37-44. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416440