Метаболічна активність нейтрофілів крові та інтегральні гематологічні показники при гострому бронхіті у дітей (Metabolic activity of blood neurofils and integrated hematological indicators in children’s acute bronchitis)
Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 2
Diseases of the respiratory organs consistently rank first in the structure of child morbidity. Acute bronchitis is one of the most common forms of damage to their respiratory tract and relates to infectious-inflammatory diseases. The increase in the number of respiratory diseases, in some cases, is due to the deterioration of the ecological situation in industrialized cities. According to many authors, the processes of deterioration of children's health indicators, in particular the increase in the proportion of respiratory infections and recurrent bronchitis, are due to the influence of technogenically contaminated environment. The city of Zaporizhzhya belongs to the industrial centers of the country. The long-term monitoring of the quality of atmospheric air indicates steadily high pollution at both the border of sanitary protection zones and in residential areas. Immune disorders, as well as changes in the reactivity and adaptive potential of the organism, reflecting the level of its nonspecific resistance, play an important role in the pathogenesis of bronchitis. The purpose of the work was to investigate the metabolic activity of blood neutrophils and integral hematological parameters in children with acute bronchitis living in Zaporizhzhya. During the years 2017–2018, the study of children with acute bronchitis was performed on the basis of the Children's Hospital No. 1 in Zaporizhzhya and the Department of Physiology, Immunology and Biochemistry with the course of Civil Defense and Medicine of the ZNU. The average age of children was 4–5 years old. The control was made by 10 conditionally healthy children. Capillary blood was taken at the beginning of treatment. The leukocyte formula was studied in the blood; integral hematological indices were calculated. The activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO) was evaluated by the Graham-Knoll method, the level of cationic proteins (CP) by the Shubich method. According to the results of the research, the activity of MPO and the level of CP in neutrophils children’s blood was 24 and 23 % higher respectively, than in healthy subjects, and the number of MPO-and CP-positive neutrophils did not differ significantly from control. In healthy children, the largest number of neutrophils was found in cells with a moderate amount of granules with MPO and CP (72.7 % and 74.2 % respectively). Numerous granules that filled the entire cell were observed in 16.0 % of neutrophils. In sick children, on the contrary, the most numerous group of cells were neutrophils with a sharply positive reaction. Their number increased by 4 times compared with control. In the blood of ill children, the total number of leukocytes increased by 49% (p<0.05). The growth was observed in 16.7 % of the relative number of segmental neutrophils (p<0.05) and a decrease of 27 % in the number of lymphocytes (p<0.05). The ESR increased to 12.4 mm/hr at 7.1 in control. In children with acute bronchitis, the manifestation of inflammation is associated with an increase in the index of intoxication – the leukocyte index of intoxication increased 2.3 times and by 64 % of the index of leukocyte shift in the blood. The ratio of leukocytes and ESR increased by a factor of three and a 69 % index of the ratio of neutrophils and lymphocytes occured. Thus, children have an acute inflammatory process, which is confirmed by the growth of ESR and the total number of leukocytes. The activity of myeloperoxidase and the level of cationic proteins increases, and the number of neutrophils increases with a sharply positive reaction by 3–4 times. In children, the manifestation of inflammation is associated with an increase in the indexes of intoxication, the index of the ratio of leukocytes and ESR and the index of the ratio of neutrophils and lymphocytes. Досліджена метаболічна активність нейтрофілів крові і інтегральні гематологічні показники у дітей дошкільного віку при гострому бронхіті. При захворюванні спостерігається зростання активності МПО та рівня КБ, підвищення кількості нейтрофілів з різко позитивною реакцією на МПО і КБ і зниження числа нейтрофілів із помірною кількістю гранул. Відбувається збільшення загальної кількості лейкоцитів, нейтрофілів, ШОЕ, ЛІІ, ІЗЛК, ІСНЛ, ІЛШОЕ і зниження лімфоцитів.
Authors and Affiliations
Н. В. Новосад, Л. М. Кричун*, І. С. Ложкіна, В. В. Хижняк* (Nataliya Novosad, Lyudmyla Krychun, Irina Lojkina, Vitaliy Khizhnyak)
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