Metaphysic of Values in Islamic Thought, İbrahim Çetindaş
Journal Title: Mütefekkir - Year 2019, Vol 6, Issue 11
Çetindaş, İbrahim. Metaphysic of Values in Islamic Thought, Ankara: Elis Publication, 2014.
Authors and Affiliations
Muhaddislerde Analitik Yöntem
Analitik metot, Muhaddislerin râvîleri cerh ve tadil ederken kullandıkları en önemli yöntemlerdendir. Bu çalışma, münekkit muhaddislerin bu ilmi yöntemi nasıl kullandık-larını tartışmayı hedeflemektedir. Hadis münekkitle...
Mustapha Rashid Pasha and Administrative Reforms
As a historian said, reality is exactly the same thing for a historian as what it means for an artist. Just as there is a not a unique scenery, there is not a unique history as well. History is viewed by every individual...
İslâm Tarihinin Yazımında Hadis(çi)-Tarih(çi) İlişkisi -Hicret Örneği-
Tarihin en önemli olaylarından birisi de hiç şüphesiz hicret olayıdır. Hz. Peygamber (s.a.v.), müşriklerin baskısı altında sıkıntı çeken ashabının daha rahat ibadet edebilecekleri yerlere hicret etmelerini tavsiye etmişt...
The Facilitator Effect of Transfer in Solving Problems in Teaching Turkish-Arabic Grammar
All educators accept that the information transfer is a factor which facilitates learning. In the recent years, among Arab immigrants who settled in Turkey, with the Arabs who came to Turkey to continue their education t...
Religion Is Natural
Despite its considerable intellectual interest and great social relevance, religion has been neglected by contemporary developmentalpsychologists. But in the last few years, there has been an emerging body of research ex...