Method for evaluating the efficiency of the military purpose automated system,based on determining the cycle of the controls of the objects and with the considering of the importance of the solving it's purpose tasks


The article presents some characteristic features of the process of reforming the Armed Forces of Ukraine, one of which is the introduction of various automated systems, including advanced integrated automated systems of military use, in order to increase the effectiveness of the management of troops and military means of interspecific groups in their application under different conditions. Therefore, the task of evaluating the effectiveness of such systems, which needs to be implemented in a short time, is actual for the various levels of military management. The article presents a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of the military automated system. Method based on the analysis of the time required for the solving task of the system by appointment, taking into account their importance, which is compared with the time that is needed to meet the requirements for automated management by objects in solving the corresponding tasks in the ideal conditions of the functioning of the system. By comparing the value of a definite total term of performance of tasks by an automated military system with established values of the estimated intervals, the criterion for evaluating its effectiveness can be determined the level of its productivity easy in a short time. This method allows evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of the military purpose automated system both in total and on its individual tasks, by purpose, taking into account their weighting factor, which enables the relevant authorities to establish an adequate level of efficiency of their functioning within a rather short period. From a practical point of view, this material will be useful for both the development of advanced automated systems for military use and during their exploitation to determine the level of efficiency of their functioning.

Authors and Affiliations

Юрій Кучеренко, Олександр Довбня, Марина Науменко


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  • EP ID EP455723
  • DOI 10.30748/soivt.2018.56.15
  • Views 97
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How To Cite

Юрій Кучеренко, Олександр Довбня, Марина Науменко (2018). Method for evaluating the efficiency of the military purpose automated system,based on determining the cycle of the controls of the objects and with the considering of the importance of the solving it's purpose tasks. Системи озброєння і військова техніка, 14(4), 108-114.