Methodological Approaches to Constructing a System for Comprehensive Statistical Analysis of Bank Performance

Journal Title: Статистика України - Year 2018, Vol 83, Issue 4


The article is focused on elaborating essential methodological approaches to constructing an effective system for comprehensive statistical analysis of bank performance. The article’s objective is to provide scientific justification of methodological principles for constructing this system. Special importance and significance of such analysis for the effective bank management is emphasized. Besides that, the significance of the analysis is caused by the diversity of banks’ links with clients, shareholders, partners, competitions, National Bank and power bodies, population and mass media. The sound assessment of bank performance and management decision making process is based on an advanced statistical analysis. The statistical toolkit designed for analytical justifications of management decisions needs to be built on the principles underlying statistical support for management: comprehensiveness and consistency. A major part of bank performance indicators are indicators of their financial situation in view of the sufficiency of capital, solvency, liquidity, reliability, profitability. An important background for assessing the financial situation of banks and analysis of management efficiency is a study of the bank system in its relationship with the external environment of its operation, i. e. the national economy.     At the level of an organization, the bank statistics consists of two statistical information modules: external and internal one. A system of indicators can be structured in form of four interlinked modules of financial and economic indicators, with each contributing to problem solutions involved in a study of bank performance. An important condition for applications of the proposed set of indicators is that their computation must be supplemented by an analysis of dynamics intensity. This allows for finding internal patterns of development and tendencies specific for the operation process in bank sector. The proposed scheme for statistical analysis of management efficiency in the bank system allows one to combine the existing methodical approaches, synthesize their essential advantages and detect the drawbacks.      

Authors and Affiliations

Ya. V. Kolesnik


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  • EP ID EP564004
  • DOI 10.31767/su.4(83)2018.04.01
  • Views 140
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How To Cite

Ya. V. Kolesnik (2018). Methodological Approaches to Constructing a System for Comprehensive Statistical Analysis of Bank Performance. Статистика України, 83(4), 6-13.