Methodological Aspects of the Study of the Marketing Activity’s Management of Construction Companies


The purpose of the research is the determination of methodological aspects of the study of the marketing activity’s management of construction companies that will strengthen its competitiveness through the development of scientific and applicative positions concerning the improvement of the processes of the marketing activity’s management of the managing entities of the construction. At the beginning of the research, the identification of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the marketing activity’s management of construction companies is expedient. The determination of the functional aspects of the marketing activity’s management of construction companies is necessary for the study of an imposed task. The opening of modern peculiarities of the marketing activity’s management of construction companies is required by constant changes of the environment. For an explanation of the scientific approach to the study of the problem, logical and structural relations among the constituent elements of the work, it is important to realize the justification of methodological aspects of the study of management of the marketing activity’s management of construction companies. It is necessary during the analysis of marketing activity’s management of the managing entities of construction to diagnose the marketing environment of construction companies. It is advisable to assess the economic effectiveness of the marketing activity’s management of construction companies. The definition of the development of the state regulatory policy concerning the marketing activity’s management of construction companies is a logical consequent step in solving the problem. The forecast of prospects of the development of the marketing activity’s management of construction companies should take place during the exploration of a specific problematic. The final part of the study should be the basic ways of the development of the marketing activity’s management of construction companies. The further developing should be targeted on the disclosure of the content of the study and obtaining of concrete results and proposals concerning the development of the process of the marketing activity’s management of Ukrainian construction companies.

Authors and Affiliations

Olha Seleznova


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How To Cite

Olha Seleznova (2016). Methodological Aspects of the Study of the Marketing Activity’s Management of Construction Companies. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки., 29(), 178-186.