Methodological Basis for Studying the Financial Markets Transformation

Journal Title: Oblik i finansi - Year 2022, Vol 1, Issue 4


Today, the development of financial markets is accompanied by various transformational processes that require the formation of an adequate theoretical and methodological basis for their research. That is why the article aims to develop a methodological basis for studies of transforming financial markets. An article singles out different types of methodology for researching the shift of financial markets, in particular, fundamental (philosophical, general scientific) mode and specific scientific techniques (in particular, the technological level – the development of specific research methods and techniques). An important place in the research methodology of the transformation of financial markets is methodological approaches to their ontological description. The differentiation of scientific ontologies, in other words, ideas about reality, leads to differences in the transformation of financial markets' interpretation and their role in the economy. According to the ontology of critical realism, the article describes the empirical, factual, and actual levels of research on the transformation of financial markets. The importance of determining methodological approaches to the study of financial markets transformation is due to the rapid development of the latter, the increase in the requirements of economic agents who are their participants for the convenience, speed, reliability, cost, and security of payments on them, as well as the increase in the technology of payment systems based on digital financial technologies. When forming the methodology for researching the transformation (as a symbiosis of quantitative changes and qualitative conversions) of the financial markets of Ukraine, the author suggested taking into account several main factors, in particular, the financialization of the national economy, the diversity of domestic financial markets, the types of transformation of financial markets, existing imbalances in the financial markets and many others.

Authors and Affiliations

Lesia Hariaha


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  • EP ID EP715485
  • DOI 10.33146/2307-9878-2022-4(98)-101-106
  • Views 24
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How To Cite

Lesia Hariaha (2022). Methodological Basis for Studying the Financial Markets Transformation. Oblik i finansi, 1(4), -.