Methodological Limitations on the Implementation of Adult Basic Education Curriculum in Kenya

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 8


Abstract: The objective of this paper is to explore methodological constraints affecting curriculum implementation of adult basic and literacy education in Kenya. The study used descriptive survey research design and was based on the conceptual framework embracing four main theories namely: - Adult learning theory, Mezirow’s Theory of Perspective Transformation, Systems Theory and Reference Group Theory. The units of analysis were 424 Adult Education Learning Centres. The study population was 181 Adult Literacy teachers. The targeted populations were 54 teachers.. The researcher used both Stratified and saturated random sampling to pick out a corresponding sample. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires, interviews and document analysis. Reliability of the instruments was addressed through piloting in one adult education centre and reliability co-efficient of 0 .745 which indicated that the instruments were reliable were obtained by subjecting the instruments to a Split-half Technique and Spearman “Brown Prophesy Formula”. Two experts were used to validate the instruments. Data was analysed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings of the study were: almost all of the adult education teachers had no understanding of the specific adult education teaching methods of Andragogy, Geragogy/Eldergogy and Metagogy. They therefore majored on the use of pedagogy similar to that used in primary and secondary school and this definitely had adverse effects on the overall and implementation of the Curriculum. Keywords: Adult basic education,Pedagogy, Andragogy/Eldergogy, Metagogy.

Authors and Affiliations

Edward Nzinga


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How To Cite

Edward Nzinga (2017). Methodological Limitations on the Implementation of Adult Basic Education Curriculum in Kenya. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(8), 823-834.