Methodological Naturalism in Evolution-Creation Controversy in the Light of Paul K. Feyerabend’s Views

Journal Title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy - Year 2012, Vol 9, Issue 0


The evolution-creation controversy has last for a long time. At its core is the fact that evolutionists and creationists have different understandings of science. For the former science is a naturalistic enterprise. Explanations that go beyond the naturalistic ones are considered to be unscientific. On that basis it is claimed that creationism cannot be legitimate science. That point of view is widely popular among scientists but not among some of the philosophers of science. One of them was Paul K. Feyerabend who supported the idea of methodological anarchism according to which scientific progress is possible only when a number of methodological limitations be abrogated. In this light creationism is viewed as an alternative theory which provides external criticism and should not be [i]a priori[/i] excluded on methodological grounds.

Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Malec


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How To Cite

Grzegorz Malec (2012). Methodological Naturalism in Evolution-Creation Controversy in the Light of Paul K. Feyerabend’s Views. Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy, 9(0), 131-154.