Methodology of Index Analysis of the Information Society Development Level
Journal Title: Статистика України - Year 2018, Vol 80, Issue 1
The purpose of the article is to analyze changes in methodological approaches to calculating the indexes of information and communication technologies development (ICT) proposed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The article analyzes the process of development of ICT and the transformation of territories towards the formation of an information society, examines three main stages in evolution of the information society, which are in line with the structure of the ICT Development Index (IDI). An international methodology for calculating the ICT development index is based on three sub-indexes: access to ICT, use of ICT and practical ICT skills developed by the ITU in 2010. The basic indices of aggregate sub-indexes, their nominal values and the methodology for calculating the ICT Development Index are presented in the annual reports of the ITU “Measuring the Information Society” 2009–2017. The article also analyzes the significance of the ICT development indexes and the corresponding sub-indexes for the countries of the world, which ranked among the top ten leaders by the corresponding rating. A comparative analysis of the IDI values of Ukraine and Iceland, one of the leading countries by IDI-2016 level, is made; the corresponding diagram is constructed on the basis of the statistical indicators used for the calculation and the corresponding sub-indexes. The dynamics of changes of IDI basic statistical characteristics by region of the world in 2012-2017 is analyzed. The changes to the IDI calculation methodology of 2018, proposed by the specialized international expert groups, are analyzed. The proposed changes relate to a set of metrics that should be additionally included in the IDI instead of a few excluded. The analysis of changes in methodological approaches to the calculation of IDI shows significant differences in the ICT development by geographical region of the world. There are also significant fluctuations in the experience of individual countries within each region.
Authors and Affiliations
O. S. Korepanov
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