Methods of teaching technical elements in athletics using the cognitive aspects of perception of movements at the initial training of young athletes

Journal Title: Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 3


Objective: to determine the impact of the application of technologies of the integral impact of the motor and intellectual aspects on the development of the motor qualities of high school students. Material and methods: To determine the impact of the use of the author's methodology for the development of motor skills of young athletes in the period from September 2017 to May 2018, a formative pedagogical experiment was conducted. The control (n = 34 - boys) and experimental (n = 34 - boys) groups included young athletes of 11–12 years old in the Kharkiv sports school "KhTF". Results. A technique has been developed for developing motor skills and skills young athletes 11-12 years using interdisciplinary communication, information and interactive technologies. In our methodology, the main direction in the development of motor skills in the athletics class is a holistic approach. It involves mastering the basic movements of athletics based on analogies with rational and economical movements in wildlife, the laws of mechanics. This leads to a more complete picture of the correct technique of athletics movements. As a result of the application of the development methodology of motor skills and skills using interdisciplinary communications and information technologies, during the first academic year there was a significant increase in the results of pedagogical tests on motor readiness among schoolchildren of the experimental group that was working on the methodology developed by us. Conclusions. The use of the developed methods of teaching motor actions young athletes 11-12 years contributes to the improvement of motor fitness indicators. This is an important aspect of the training process of young athletes.. The positive effect of the application of the technique is provided by an adequate selection of exercises and an extension of the theoretical aspect of training.

Authors and Affiliations

Zh. L. Kozina, V. A. Korobeinik, M. R. Nemchenko, O. A. Serdyuk, T. A. Bazyliuk


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  • EP ID EP494330
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1468032
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How To Cite

Zh. L. Kozina, V. A. Korobeinik, M. R. Nemchenko, O. A. Serdyuk, T. A. Bazyliuk (2018). Methods of teaching technical elements in athletics using the cognitive aspects of perception of movements at the initial training of young athletes. Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация, 4(3), 52-59.