Methods used in taekwon-do training (ITF version)
Journal Title: Ido-Ruch dla Kultury - Year 2001, Vol 2, Issue 0
Through the years of developing Martial Arts, diverse methods of learning and developing unarmed combat arose, most often they were kept secret. In competitive Martial Arts, training methods were based on experience other Martial Arts and other sports disciplines. Teaching taekwon-do technical basics there are used the methods: analitic, synthetic, combined, involving tactical tasks and problem method (problem solving). The most important factor in choosing the method of training technical basics is the competitors age. The most commonly used method of training is a combined method (static-dynamic) especially in the case of shaping flexibility. To complete “physical trainings” there is used the ideomotoric training helpful to detect and eliminate mistakes. In the training practice, one of the easiest ways to assess the effectiveness of the training methods is the comparison of sports achievements.
Authors and Affiliations
Zbigniew Bujak
Andy Hug. Sylwetka wielkiego fajtera
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