Metody matematyczne w badaniach z zakresu filozofii przyrody. Problem szybkości powstawania form w XIV-wiecznym traktacie "De sex inconvenientibus"

Journal Title: Przegląd Tomistyczny - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue


The anonymous treatise "De sex inconvenientibus" was written by an author who presumably belonged to the group of Oxford Calculators (it is assumed that he was William Heytesbury’s student). The four questions discussed in this text concern the velocities in the process of generation (De generatione), motion of alteration (De motu alterationis), motion of augmentation (De motu augmentationis) and in the local motion (De motu locali). The fragment of the first question, presented above, regards the problem of measuring velocity in the generation of forms of the elements. It is a good example of the application of some mathematical procedures in the Aristotelian-Averroean physics, which was characteristic for the Oxford Calculators. The translated part shows also the important dependence of "De sex inconvenientibus" on William Heytesbury’s "De tribus praedicamentis" (the sixth chapter of his treatise "Regulae solvendi sophismata").

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Papiernik


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How To Cite

Joanna Papiernik (2017). Metody matematyczne w badaniach z zakresu filozofii przyrody. Problem szybkości powstawania form w XIV-wiecznym traktacie "De sex inconvenientibus". Przegląd Tomistyczny, 0(), 95-145.