Metody stosowane przez złego ducha na podstawie konfrontacji Jezusa z szatanem (Mt 4,1-11 i par.)
Journal Title: Studia Warmińskie - Year 2014, Vol 51, Issue 51
The events that took place during Jesus' temptation in the desert (cf. Mt 4,1-11; Mk 1,12; Lk 4,1-13) can prove helpful in unveiling the evil spirit and fathoming his methods. Temptation by Satan proffers the knowledge of how to combat him most effectively in order to stand undefeated. Jesus offers us some guidelines and tips which are designed to aid us in this process. Evil may often enter our lives unexpectedly. Although it may appear forceful, it is always surmountable. In analysing the scene of Jesus’ temptation, we learn how Satan threatens us and how we ought to overcome him. The temptation of Jesus offers specific indications together with a paragon of attitude, which the people of today can find useful.
Authors and Affiliations
Radosław Czerwiński
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