Metrics of internal audit effectiveness in banking sector

Journal Title: Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie - Year 2019, Vol 51, Issue 2


This article attempts to analyze the metrics of internal audit function effectiveness. The authors review and discuss the metrics perceived as most relevant and appropriate to the banking sector. The literature review is supported by an attempt to introduce an additional metric of the internal audit function effectiveness. The methodology adopted in this paper bases strongly on the qualitative approach. The article involves an analysis of available literature and own studies, as well as authors’ professional experience in auditing. The metrics of internal audit function effectiveness presented in modern studies strongly favor qualitative approach, focused on assessing the input, process and output of internal auditors, and most notably recommendations issued and their implementation by organizations’ management. The authors suggest supplementing the list of available metrics with an additional method, strongly connected to financial performance of the banks employing the internal audit function. This article introduces an additional possible way of measuring the effectiveness of the internal audit function. This metric can be considered by the banks and can be further empirically verified for appropriateness by entities from other industries, from both private and public sector.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Bartłomiej Iwanowicz, Tomasz Borowy


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How To Cite

Bartłomiej Iwanowicz, Tomasz Borowy (2019). Metrics of internal audit effectiveness in banking sector. Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie, 51(2), 63-70.