Microbiological diagnosis of corneal ulcers in a tertiary care center in Mangalore – A prospective study
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Microbiology Research - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 1
Background: Aim of this study was the isolation and identification of bacteria, fungus and parasites causing keratitis (corneal ulcer), in and around Mangalore. The cause of keratitis depends on many variables including age, sex and occupation, but the major variable is geographic location. Hence, the diversity of organisms causing keratitis in Mangalore was determined in this study. Materials and Methods: A prospective study was carried out in patients suspected of having infectious corneal ulcer. In this study of 24 months duration, 33 samples were microbiologically profiled using routine smear and culture techniques. Result: Of the 33 samples proceeded, fungal isolates predominated followed by bacteria. No specimen/sample was found to have parasite as the cause of corneal ulcer. Conclusion: There are many causes of keratitis which can be broadly classified as infectious and non-infectious. Infectious causes are still the more common cause in a developing country like India. The pathogen causing corneal ulcer varies with geographic location and in South India the commonly isolated organism is fungi. Parasitic causes are more common in the developed world and are rare causes in our country. Similar studies will aid in the initiation of effective treatment and in preventing loss of vision.
Authors and Affiliations
Sukumar TK. , Rekha Boloor, Maya Nataranjan, Neethu Kishor
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