Microbiological Profile and Their Antimicrobial Susceptibility in Infective Keratitis at Regional Eye Hospital, Visakhapatnam
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 3
Keratitis (corneal ulcer) is a leading cause of ocular morbidity and blindness worldwide especially in developing countries second only to cataract. It may be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and acanthamoeba. The aim of the study is to isolate, identify the bacteria and fungi in corneal scrapings from keratitis cases and to study their antibacterial and antifungal susceptibility patterns respectively. The material for the present study include corneal scrapings collected from 100 patients with clinical diagnosis of corneal ulcer with or without hypopyon attending Regional Eye Hospital, Visakhapatnam from September 2011 to September 2013. The corneal scrapings were processed by bacterial and fungal culture methods and microscopic examination by Gram’s stain and KOH mount. Bacterial isolates were identified by standard biochemical methods and their susceptibility testing done by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. Fungal isolates were identified by microscopic morphology and antifungal susceptibility testing was performed according to CLSI M 44-A for Candida sps and CLSI M51-A for the isolated moulds. Results showed higher prevalence of keratitis in 21 – 40 yrs age group. 73% culture positivity was observed which include 21 bacterial, 49 fungal and 3 mixed isolates. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (29.17%) was predominant bacterial isolate followed by Staphylococcus aureus (25%). Among 52 fungal isolates Fusariumsps. (36.54%) was predominant followed by Aspergillus sps(32.69%). Fungal isolates showed higher resistance to Fluconazole. To conclude, the study of microbial analysis and their susceptibility testing would greatly help in the specific treatment and management of keratitis cases. Keywords: Infective keratitis, corneal scrapings, KOH mount, moulds, antifungal susceptibility testing
Authors and Affiliations
Sirisha T, Jayalakshmi L, Ratnakumari G, Viswamitra P
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