In Specters of Marx, Derrida argues that all writing is ghost-driven, for “everyone reads, acts, writes with his or her ghosts.” Modernist poetry can be described as particularly “spectral”, as it often locates itself on...
This paper is an attempt to analyze the threads associated with anti-Semitism in Will Eisner comics books and his struggle against stereotypical treatment of the Jews. The work is divided into two parts. In the first par...
Piotr Kletowski (2013). Między dokumentalnym ujęciem a kreacją. Dokufilmy Pier Paolo Pasoliniego. Kultura Popularna, 1(35),
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“It ghosts”: Language as a Haunted Dwelling in Selected Poems by Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore
In Specters of Marx, Derrida argues that all writing is ghost-driven, for “everyone reads, acts, writes with his or her ghosts.” Modernist poetry can be described as particularly “spectral”, as it often locates itself on...
‘Dzisiejszy Sputnik lub Łajka – to szczeniaczki w porównaniu z pojawieniem się radioodbiornika…’ Zachwyceni oraz zdziwieni mówią o pierwszym zetknięciu z radiem
Kontrowersje wokół big‑beatu w publicystyce lat 60.
Will Eisner. Komiks w cieniu stereotypów
This paper is an attempt to analyze the threads associated with anti-Semitism in Will Eisner comics books and his struggle against stereotypical treatment of the Jews. The work is divided into two parts. In the first par...
'Bezgraniczna rozrywka' Josepha Garncarza, czyli o prezentacji filmów w Niemczech przed I wojną światową (recenzja)