In this article I try to analyze the dietary habits of the female protagonists of TVN legal TV series Magda M. and Agata’s Law. Although there’s been only a five year gap between original broadcasts of Magda M. and Agata...
This paper is an attempt to trace how Szczepan Twardoch, one of the most popular contemporary Polish writers, has become a celebrity. The author will discuss the beginnings of his literary path, as well as how consciousl...
Justyna Wrzochul‑Stawinoga (2015). Między fikcją a rzeczywistością - czyli po co i dlaczego ogląda się seriale paradokumentalne. Kultura Popularna, 2(44),
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Recenzja: Od centrum do marginesów szkoły z Birmingham. Czarny feminizm bell hooks w kontekście studiów kulturowych
Kwestia (nie)smaku. Foie gras – kontrowersyjny delikates i równie kontrowersyjne metody walki z jego producentami
Od jabłka do „chińczyka”. Praktyki żywieniowe bohaterek prawniczych seriali stacji TVN
In this article I try to analyze the dietary habits of the female protagonists of TVN legal TV series Magda M. and Agata’s Law. Although there’s been only a five year gap between original broadcasts of Magda M. and Agata...
Pisarz, celebryta, influencer? Szczepana Twardocha droga do sławy
This paper is an attempt to trace how Szczepan Twardoch, one of the most popular contemporary Polish writers, has become a celebrity. The author will discuss the beginnings of his literary path, as well as how consciousl...
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