Nowadays a significant amount of work is office work. How it is performed is determined by both applied techniques of human resources management and organization of workspace; both these factors relate to each other. The...
This article examines the language that we used to use in Internet communication. Traditional bilateral division into written and spoken language is inadequate nowadays. Internet speech, that I named ”third language” has...
Justyna Wrzochul‑Stawinoga (2015). Między fikcją a rzeczywistością - czyli po co i dlaczego ogląda się seriale paradokumentalne. Kultura Popularna, 2(44),
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Street art w świetle teorii autonomicznej sztuki Clementa Greenberga
Komfort akustyczny w open space w narracji projektantów
Nowadays a significant amount of work is office work. How it is performed is determined by both applied techniques of human resources management and organization of workspace; both these factors relate to each other. The...
The Third Language.
This article examines the language that we used to use in Internet communication. Traditional bilateral division into written and spoken language is inadequate nowadays. Internet speech, that I named ”third language” has...
Między dokumentalnym ujęciem a kreacją. Dokufilmy Pier Paolo Pasoliniego