The paper addresses the theme of coldness in Sylvia Plath’s poetry and other writings as a significant element of the construction of imaginary domestic spaces and their linkage to the reminiscences of her American home...
Passover is one of the most important Jewish holidays. It starts with dinner - Seder. Family gathered on this day drink red wine as a symbol of freedom and happiness. They eat matzo - flat bread to remember that Hebrews...
Black pearl (1934), a Polish film directed by Michał Waszyński was inspired by Eugeniusz Bodo, Polish celebrity of interwar period. The film was a reflection of his romance with Anne Chevalier ‘Reri’, the main character...
This paper is an attempt to trace how Szczepan Twardoch, one of the most popular contemporary Polish writers, has become a celebrity. The author will discuss the beginnings of his literary path, as well as how consciousl...
EP ID EP80344
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Justyna Wrzochul‑Stawinoga (2015). Między fikcją a rzeczywistością - czyli po co i dlaczego ogląda się seriale paradokumentalne. Kultura Popularna, 2(44),
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“Why Am I Cold.” Sylvia Plath’s English Home and the American Refrigerators
The paper addresses the theme of coldness in Sylvia Plath’s poetry and other writings as a significant element of the construction of imaginary domestic spaces and their linkage to the reminiscences of her American home...
Krótki przyczynek do an-archeologii audio-wizaualności. Polska II połowa XIX wieku
Romans, jedzenie i zbrodnia. Nawiązania do tradycji seder w filmach Woody’ego Allena
Passover is one of the most important Jewish holidays. It starts with dinner - Seder. Family gathered on this day drink red wine as a symbol of freedom and happiness. They eat matzo - flat bread to remember that Hebrews...
Czarna perła. Kino popularne między kolonializmem a nowoczesnością
Black pearl (1934), a Polish film directed by Michał Waszyński was inspired by Eugeniusz Bodo, Polish celebrity of interwar period. The film was a reflection of his romance with Anne Chevalier ‘Reri’, the main character...
Pisarz, celebryta, influencer? Szczepana Twardocha droga do sławy
This paper is an attempt to trace how Szczepan Twardoch, one of the most popular contemporary Polish writers, has become a celebrity. The author will discuss the beginnings of his literary path, as well as how consciousl...