The author presents a history and the contemporaryfunctioning of the nineteenth‑centuryinvention: the stethoscope. It is both an object,or a tool (used in medicine and forensicscience) and a medium, which in the course o...
Rapid changes in American society at the late 19th century bred social ills which required solving with the use of all available resources of the era. One of the tools, developed by the Children’s Aid Society of New York...
Współczesny teatr polski wobec aborcji
Beyond: Two Souls jako medialna hybryda filmu i gry wideo
Folklorystyczny nerw internetu.Wspólnotowa przestrzeń emocji i wyobraźni.
Uroki auskultacji, czyli krótka historia stetoskopu
The author presents a history and the contemporaryfunctioning of the nineteenth‑centuryinvention: the stethoscope. It is both an object,or a tool (used in medicine and forensicscience) and a medium, which in the course o...
Securing Homes: Orphan Trains as a Way of Curing Ills of the Late 19th Century America
Rapid changes in American society at the late 19th century bred social ills which required solving with the use of all available resources of the era. One of the tools, developed by the Children’s Aid Society of New York...