Milk production in Ukraine: trends and perspectives

Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue


The purpose of the article is to analyze the main trends in milk production development in different groups of producers in Ukraine and elaborate the 2030 dairy outlook. Research methods. The following scientific methods have been used in the article: analysis and synthesis for characterization of the peculiarities of functioning of dairy sector; abstract and logical method for summarizing the research results and making conclusions; empirical method for estimation of trends of the dairy sector; grouping for identification of relationships between the factors affecting economic efficiency of milk production; induction and deduction for formation of the research results; comparisons for comparison of the objects; graphical and tabular methods for visual representation of the research results. In order to predict the volumes of milk production, analytical alignment of series of dynamics with different types of functions has used, depending on the nature of the dynamics. Research results. The economic appraisal of features of milk production in different kinds of farms (production volumes, number of cows, milk yield, marketability, prices, quality of milk, profitability) has been carried out. The forecast for milk production development till 2030 has been developed taking into account economic and political drivers. Elements of scientific novelty. On basis of the analyzed trends, the forecast of milk production by 2030 has been made for the first time. Practical significance. The findings of this study will be useful for different groups of milk producers and stakeholders in dairy chain as a basis for further strategic planning. They can also serve as a guidance for government officials in the long-run planning of the dairy policy. Tabl.: 3. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 18.

Authors and Affiliations

Olga Kozak, Olena Hryshchenko, Oleksii Vasylchenko


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How To Cite

Olga Kozak, Olena Hryshchenko, Oleksii Vasylchenko (2018). Milk production in Ukraine: trends and perspectives. Економіка АПК, 8(), 26-34.