Mineral Nutrients in Inflorescence Sap Produced from Various Coconuts (Cocos nucifera L.) Cultivated in Côte d’Ivoire
Journal Title: Journal of Experimental Agriculture International - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 2
Aims: To investigate mineral features correlated to coconut inflorescence sap produced from various varieties for contributing in quite valorization. Study design: Four coconut varieties studied, namely Malayan Yellow Dwarf (MYD), West African Tall (WAT), and PB121+ and PB113+ hybrids. Coconut sap produced and sampled per variety. Sap samples processed into ashes and submitted to mineral analysis using energy dispersive spectrometer. Place and Duration of Study: Marc Delorme Research Station for coconut (National Centre of Agronomic Research) and Laboratory of Biochemistry and Food Sciences (Félix HOUPHOUËT-BOIGNY University), Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, between 2014 and 2015. Methodology: Three coconut palms chosen for each variety and coconut sap produced using unopened inflorescence of rank 8. Sap harvested daily at 7 PM and 5 AM, and sampled by homogeneous volume mixture of both daily productions. Three days sampling implemented, leading to 12 coconut samples at overall. Sap samples processed into ash with oven. Minerals in ashes assessed using Energy Dispersive Spectrometer coupled with Scanning Electronic Microscope (EDS-SEM) device. Outcomes valued after analytical validation of the method used. Statistical treatment of Data using SPSS and STATISTICA softwares. Results: Ash contents varying (P = .01) between 0.18% and 0.27% (w/w). Saps of MYD (0.26%) and PB113+ (0.27%) were richer in ash compared to WAT and PB121+. Thirteen mineral nutrients measured in the coconut sap, 8 macroelements (K, Cl, Si, Na, Mg, P, S and Ca) and 5 oligoelements (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and Br). Macroelements recorded contents between 1.25 mg/100 g and 90.65 mg/100 g and oligoelements displayed contents varying from few traces to 0.70 mg/100 g (P < .05). Coconut sap produced from MYD correlated to greatest mineral properties, with large presence of K, P, Fe, Si, Na, S, and Mg. PB113+ hybrid also revealed highly significant sap minerals. Oppositely, sap of WAT resulted in lower mineral contents. Conclusion: Regarding the nutritional interests for minerals, the consumption of coconut sap, especially that of MYD and PB113+ varieties, could result in successful contribution in food balance for populations and the trading of this foodstuff could provide substantial incomes for coconut farmers.
Authors and Affiliations
Okoma Djéya Muriel Joelle, Konan N’Guessan Ysidor, Assa Rebecca Rachel, Biego Godi Henri Marius
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