Minimally invasive arthroplasty
Journal Title: Eklem Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisi - Year 2006, Vol 17, Issue 3
Interest in minimally invasive arthroplasty of the hip and knee joints has increased recently. Application of this technique via a smaller incision or multiple smaller incisions, and some advantages such as less pain, quicker recovery, and shorter hospital stay may appeal to our senses. However, there is considerable data that, in the short-term, minimally invasive arthroplasty does not overcome many serious early and late complications that occur with standard arthroplasty and that it is associated with worsening problems in the hip and knee. Therefore, until we have convincing scientific data in terms of greater safety and efficacy with this technique, it should not be used only for the sake of marketing.
Authors and Affiliations
Sahap Atik, Burak Ozturk
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