Missionary Sending Structures in the Russian Baptist Union: the Past, Present, and Future
Journal Title: Богословские размышления: Евро-Азиатский журнал богословия - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue 16
Due to various historical, political, and theological reasons, the evangelical movement in Russia has never developed full-fledged, indigenous mission sending structures This factor has been seriously hindering the growth of the evangelical church and the productive use of available resources to advance the work of the gospel. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the reasons underlying the current situation and offer a constructive proposal that might contribute to the development of missionary sending structures in the Russian context. In order to accomplish this, the author first looks at the factors that contributed to the emergence and success of mission agencies within Western Protestant Christianity. Second, he outlines major historical periods in the history of Russian evangelical missions with special attention to the factors that contributed to, or hindered, the creation of missionary sending structures. Finally, the author suggests a possible course of action that might prove helpful in developing mission agencies in the contemporary social and political context in which Russian evangelical churches find themselves.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrey Kravtsev
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Missionary Sending Structures in the Russian Baptist Union: the Past, Present, and Future
Due to various historical, political, and theological reasons, the evangelical movement in Russia has never developed full-fledged, indigenous mission sending structures This factor has been seriously hindering the growt...
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