Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Право - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 14
У статті аналізуються концептуальні підходи до розуміння кіберпростору, досліджуються основні міжнародні ініціативи в рамках міжнародних міжурядових організацій щодо захисту прав людини в кіберпросторі. Автор обґрунтовує необхідність захисту прав людини в кіберпросторі, аргументує важливість забезпечення рівних прав як офлайн, так і онлайн, зокрема: права на свободу вираження поглядів, права на доступ, права на повагу до приватного життя і захист персональних даних. Розглянуто проблему обмеження цих прав внаслідок втручання держави. The article is devoted to the contemporary legal issues related to the nature and features of cyberspace that should be defined in international law. The author analyzes the conceptual approaches to the understanding of cyberspace; explores how international human rights law applies to cyberspace; examines the main international initiatives within the framework of international intergovernmental organizations on the human rights protection in cyberspace. The author substantiates the need to protect human rights in cyberspace, argues the importance of ensuring equal rights both online and offline. In our opinion, information and communication technologies should not change the level of human rights and freedoms protection. It is concluded that the research and development of the concept of human rights in cyberspace will greatly determine the quality of life in the digital age of mankind. The author analyzed in the article how current international legal system for the human rights protection applies to the cyberspace. There are no special international treaties on the human rights protection online. International practice in this area is mainly realized in soft law, which further qualifies and interprets the existing norms of international law but does not in fact create new obligations for states. Despite the fact that more and more international intergovernmental organizations are taking initiatives to develop international standards in the field of human rights protection in cyberspace, they have an insufficient amount of rulemaking in international law. Expansion of the right to freedom of expression scope in the cyberspace has led to the formation of a new "right to access". Of particular importance in this context is the recognition and further consolidation in the international treaties of the network neutrality principle, which will ensure the equality of users on the Internet. Finally, the author outline the limitations and permissible restrictions on human rights obligations in cyberspace. The author consider modern human rights protection system in cyberspace to be fragmentary and inconsistent. It is concluded, that the international legal regulation of cyberspace is at the stage of formation. There remain uncertain basic terms and concepts, which greatly complicates the ability to protect human rights in this virtual environment. The author consider necessity to create and adopt a universal international agreement that would approve a single and general concept of cyberspace.
Authors and Affiliations
M. Y. Yatsyshyn
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