Mo ti va tions for stu dy ing phy sio the ra py and fa mi lia ri ty with em ploy ment si tu ation – dif fe ren ces be twe en fe ma le and ma le stu dents of phy sio the ra py at uni ver si ty -le vel scho ols in Po land
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 10, Issue 4
The pre sent pa per ana ly ses and com pa res the fac tors that mo ti va te fe ma le and ma le stu dents of phy sio the ra py to ta ke up the - se stu dies and exa mi nes stu dents” awa re ness of the em ploy ment si tu ation in the ir fu tu re pro fes sion. The dia gno stic poll me thod (ano ny mo us and vo lun ta ry qu estion na ire). The stu dy sam ple com pri sed 1st year Ba che - lor pro gram me stu dents from ele ven uni ver si ty -le vel scho ols. The sta ti sti cal ana ly sis was ba sed on qu estion na ires ob ta ined from 954 stu dents. The su rvey was car ried out in 2006, at the be gin ning of the 1st se me ster of the Ba che lor’s pro gram me. Out co me me asu res The Mann–Whit ney U test was used at a si gni fi can ce le vel of p<0.05. Per so nal in te rest was the on ly fac tor that in flu en ced the de ci sion to stu dy phy sio the ra py and dif fe ren tia ted be twe en the ma le and fe - ma le stu dents. For a si gni fi can tly hi gher per cen ta ge of the fe ma le stu dents (p<0.001), stu dy ing phy sio the ra py had be en a li fe -long am bi tion. The vast ma jo ri ty of the stu dents sta ted that they we re not fa mi liar with all op por tu ni ties for fin ding em ploy ment as phy sio the ra pi sts. The vast ma jo ri ty of the stu dents be lie ved that it is easy to find em ploy ment as a phy sio the ra pist in other Eu ro pe an Union co un tries, with fe ma le stu dents sta ting so si gni fi can tly mo re fre qu en tly (p<0.05) than the ir ma le co un ter parts Men and wo men sha re si mi lar expec ta tions of the ir fu tu re job and mo ti va tions to be co me phy sio the ra pi sts ir re spec ti ve of the ir cul tu re and the tra di tio nal sta tus of phy sio the ra pi sts in me di cal te ams in dif fe rent co un tries.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Gotlib, Dariusz Białoszewski, Anna Cabak, Katarzyna Barczyk, Aleksandra Bauer, Wojciech Kułak, Piotr Majcher, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Maciej Płaszewski, Janusz Sierdziński
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